Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Posts tagged ‘Hollywood’

A Friday Shout-out & Song: Missing You by Dan Fogelberg

It was one of the two new songs assembled onto his Dan Fogelberg – Greatest Hits LP out that year. BTW, that’d be one of the very few platinum albums ever with a cover originally printed on the diagonal. The song has made every compilation, ‘best of’ album released since, and remains a favorite of mine (even over those already mentioned).

My 13 Favorite Howard Hawks Films

Name someone who defined the gangster on film — and way, way before Coppola or Scorsese. Who would also go on to shape the screwball comedy, too. Might as well throw in the dark of film noir into the mix. Plus, take on that other Hollywood staple, the Western, challenging John Ford’s domain. And use John Wayne perhaps even more effectively. The answer would be one Howard Winchester Hawks (by the way, John Carpenter’s favorite director).

TMT: Where Else But At The Chinese?

There are a scant number of films I’ve seen both first-run and at revival theaters, plus owned every version on VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray. Tonight I’ll be a attending a special event at The Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater for just such a one. A 40th year anniversary screening with co-stars John Saxon, Bob Wall, film crew, and the lead’s daughter Shannon in attendance. All for a movie that showcased the skill and talent of someone who meant surprisingly much to me growing up, and who left this mortal coil far too soon.

“Boards don’t hit back.”

TMT: “Did you leave a cigarette burning?”

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time, a series that was begun here. Byway of yesterday’s TMT, my blogging colleague, Dan of Fogs Movie Review, made a special request for another disaster film (not to be confused with a disastrous movie) to be a featured in a memory download. I was only too happy to comply.

“For what it’s worth, architect, this is one building I figured would never burn.”

TMT: Earthquake!!!

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time, a series that was begun here. The following was inspired by fellow SoCal blogging colleague, Arlee…

TMT: The Cheaper, The Better

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time, a series that was begun here. Recently, my colleague and guest post writer, Kevin (aka Jack Deth), provided another wonder contribution toward Paula, Kellee, and Aurora ‘s splendid 31 Days of Oscar Blogathon. His look at 1973 — A Very Good Year rekindled one of these memories. This for a noted drama that surprised many, especially at the 46th Academy Awards…

A Few Words for Charade

Since I went and included the work in my recent Versus AFI Top 10 Romantic Comedies piece, I thought a few words for one film was warranted. Though I never saw it in a movie theater setting (something I regret to this very day), the film remains one of my all-time favorites, and an annual screening in our household. It is Stanley Donen’s still highly underrated Charade.