Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Archive for ‘November, 2012’

Same Song, Different Movie: Canzonetta Sull’aria by Mozart

Continuing my thoughts from February regarding the use of song in film, “needle dropped” tunes are not officially considered part of a film score — those orchestral, choral, or instrumental pieces some consider background music. Both are equally utilized as cues by filmmakers for a specific purpose or to elicit certain reactions by the audience. I’m fascinated by this in general, and movie soundtracks have long intrigued me. A convergence of the music and film arts I’ve allocated much time toward. Some (not all) movie soundtracks have incorporated those songs the director or music programmer have showcased in their movie along with the film’s score.

TMT: Ran at the Royal

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time, a series that was begun here. As I’ve stated before, “… what really kicks off an entry… most of the time is other bloggers.” In this case, Monica’s guest post over at Tyson Carter’s site, Head in a Vice, had the honors. Her look (published in the U.S. on Veteran’s Day) at one stellar epic by a master of cinema kicked off this memory download.

“This is truly one of the most epic Japanese films of the Feudal era. The fabric of story that Kurosawa has weaved creates an awe dropping experience that completely engulfs the viewer in a web of deep-rooted plot. It doesn’t overwhelm you to the point where you are sitting there wondering who is who and what just transpired. It’s laid out in a way that one can fully understand the characters and where their loyalties lie.”


Finally catching up with articles (funny how things like that pile up), I needed to send a shout-out and a warm thank you to Mike, he…