Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Posts tagged ‘drama’

Tales from the (Movie) Theater: Of Westerns, Dramas, and JAWS (Part 9)

By week three, all of the working projectionists could perform a changeover without watching for cue marks. We knew the movie so well we could do it by listening to the soundtrack and dialog alone. No one was happier to see it go than the crew in the booth (we were so sick of it). I couldn’t re-watch that movie again till sometime in the 90s.

Small Roles… Big Performances blogathon: Dom Deluise in FAIL-SAFE

The following is my contribution to Ruth and her Flixchatter blog’s Small Roles… Big Performances blogathon. As she laid it out:

“The idea of this blog-a-thon is to shine a spotlight on the ‘unsung heroes’ if you will, the overlooked performers who add so much richness/entertainment value to the film no matter how brief their appearance is, but yet they don’t get the credit they so deserve.”

TMT: What is the Matrix? (or How to Break a Streak)

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time series that was begun here. insert text here. Since I am continuing my Versus AFI: 10 Top 10 arc, this time looking at the Sci-Fi genre, it was only fitting I’d chronicle another of them in this series. As mentioned in my previous post, this genre has been a big favorite since childhood. Plus, the timeliness of this film in particular, in my work and personal life, made it one that I had to covered in one form or another.