Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Boys (& Music) on the Side

Every so often, my wife wants me to take her to a movie. It doesn’t happen often, or often enough. That’s so because our movie tastes are decidedly different. In actual fact, my spouse recently reminded me she was not interested whatsoever, after we caught the new 3-D version trailer, in watching the re-issue of Titanic. She doesn’t like either the movie or the filmmaker.

Yet, for the most part the films she’s dragged brought me to, I’ve somehow enjoyed. Sometimes, it’s for reasons beyond the movie’s story. Case in point, Boys on the Side (1995), directed by Herbert Ross. An exciting, blood-soaked martial art revenge thriller it’s not. Despite that, I have to admit I got snared by the dramedy about friendship and women relationships.

See, I can be sensitive — it’s rare — but it happens. The other aspect that’s held my attention even longer was the film’s soundtrack, though. It’s of the needle-drop variety that the filmmakers put together using popular song by various artists. And what stellar selection it has. Over the years since, it’s snuck up on me that it has been one of those audio CDs that’s received steady play. Examples to prove my point:

If the Cranberries’ Dreams seems familiar, it should be as it’s been used in a number of film soundtracks: Mission: ImpossibleYou’ve Got MailThe Next Karate KidShot Through the Heart, and The Baby-Sitters Club. And it was this film that introduced the song and group to me (and has been replayed countless times on the ol’ iPod).

While I remain a big fan of Roy Orbison’s original You Got It, this film actually featured two distinct covers of that great song. As it happens, co-star Whoopi Goldberg has an earnest version that’s pretty heartfelt in the context of the story. Still, I’ll showcase hometown girl Bonnie Raitt’s cover here because it rocks as well as the man from Vernon, TX, in my mind.

For those of you that are curious, below is the full listing of the soundtrack in question. I guess it’s just another one of those things gifted to me (even if I was kicking and screaming initially) care of the woman I love.

1. You Got It – Bonnie Raitt
2. I Take You With Me – Melissa Etheridge
3. Keep On Growing – Sheryl Crow
4. Power Of Two – Indigo Girls
5. Somebody Stand By Me – Stevie Nicks
6. Everyday Is Like Sunday – Pretenders
7. Dreams – The Cranberries
8. Why – Annie Lennox
9. Ol’ 55 – Sarah McLachlan
10. Willow – Joan Armatrading
11. Crossroads – Jonell Mosser
12. You Got It – Whoopi Goldberg
13. You Got It – Bonnie Raitt

18 Responses to “Boys (& Music) on the Side”

  1. fogsmoviereviews

    You’re really big on the music in movies, huh Le0p?

    There’s a lot of good tunes there… I don’t know that I’d want to sit through “Boys on the side” to get to em though!


    • le0pard13

      Yeah, I’ve been known to appreciate both ;-). And I have to say ‘Boys on the Side’ was surprising, It even had veteran film tough guy and villain James Remar in an unexpected role. BTW, the next post this week I’ll mention a film that’s 180° from this one. Thanks, Fogs.


  2. rtm

    Oooh I LOVE this soundtrack!! ‘Dreams’ has got to be one of my favorite songs of all time. Sadly it’s been overused by so many movies, but I always enjoy listening to it every time it came on on the radio. I quite enjoyed this movie, too. Thanks Michael!


    • le0pard13

      It’s a great one, alright. I’m glad to hear it (along with the film) have another admirer. Thanks very much, Ruth.


  3. Scott Lawlor (@FrontRoomCinema)

    Does seem like a solid sound track. I don’t think I have even heard of the film. Is that bad?

    One sound track that is constant play for me, and will always be is the one from O’ Brother… but I am a hillbilly at heart


    • le0pard13

      No, it’s not bad either way. And the O’ Brother soundtrack is great one, too. Thanks for reading and commenting, Scott.


    • Rachel

      Alison Krauss and Union Station has been one of my favorite bands since, well, pretty much since Alison Krauss put out her first singles way back when she was just 16. I’ve seen them in concert many times and it’s always great to hear their “O, Brother” stuff. I won’t lie: the cheesy joke the guy who did Clooney’s singing tells is almost as enjoyable as the music for me. I am such a sucker for a cute little joke.


      • le0pard13

        Great to hear, Rachel. More love for O’ Brother. Besides the music, it’s another re-telling of the story of Odysseus, which is a personal favorite of mine. Thanks.


  4. The Sci-Fi Fanatic

    Ha. Nice my fried. Nice little story of you and the bride there. It’s the story of my life too. We don’t have a lot of the same tastes in music and film but we meet in the middle sometimes. She actually saw Black Hawk Down at the theatre with me. She liked it too.

    I guess, as is your point here, it’s good to step outside of our comfort zone and try something we wouldn’t normally go for. Often times there’s something that’s GOOD for us in those films too.

    Case in point, I can’t seem, to get enough of chick flick – FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. I love that film. I never tire of it. If I see it on TV I stop and watch. Kids like it too now that they’ve seen it in our travels. Just a real touching film.

    I can’t say there’s much on the sountrack I like. I do love Annie Lennox and Sarah though. I have a lot of their stuff. I also love Stevie Nicks. BTW, Cranberries just released a NEW CD. My other half liked them for a time but then Bieber came along. : )

    Oh, speaking of emotional films, I just finished watching The Diving Bell And The Butterfly. It was a slow build to a final teary eyed moment in an otherwise inspirational film. Quite a nice picture. Very quiet film and very visual but beautiful in its depiction of the value of living and enjoying life and in finding beauty in the simplest of things. Very moving.

    Cheers and Joie de vivre!


    • le0pard13

      Good to hear you chime in on this, SFF. And yes, meeting in the middle can have its benefits, especially with a spouse ;-). I’ve been pleasantly surprised going outside of my comfort zone from time-to-time (see last month’s Persuasion film review). Your wife took you to see FRIED GREEN TOMATOES, too? Same here. I haven’t seen it in a while, but I can honestly say I’d see it again. Go figure.

      New Cranberries CD? I need to check it out (I’ll pass on the Bieber, though ;-)). I’ve not seen, but have heard about, ‘The Diving Bell And The Butterfly’. If you found it worthwhile, I’ll be sure to check it out (in the Netflix queue now, btw). Cheers, my friend, and thanks.


  5. Rachel

    Power of Two by Indigo Girls is one of my all time favorite songs. I can put that song on loop and feel that each play through tells me a different story. In fact, I’m going to go queue it up now.


  6. Christine McCann

    This is a film that I’ve watched many times for several reasons, not the least of which is the great soundtrack! Which reminds me, I need to get the whole album. I know I’ve got The Cranberries and the Indigo Girls’ songs as singles, but really need them all. We saw Melissa Etheridge in concert last year or so…my Lord but that woman has a voice. She still sounds phenomenal live.

    Good on you, lp13! 🙂


    • le0pard13

      Oh, yes, Christine. You must get this soundtrack CD. Especially if you have enjoyed the film. I’d love to hear Melissa Etheridge live and in person. Thanks very much, Christine.



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