Still more lazy thoughts from this one…


Finally catching up with articles (funny how things like that pile up), I needed to send a shout-out and a warm thank you to Mike, he of MikesFilmTalk, for awarding moi with a One Lovely Blog Award. And he did this back in September. Criminy! Told you I’m late. When I began to go through some of the man’s archives, I discovered Mike once lived in the same city as I. Given the sprawl of my hometown, we likely would have never met here in L.A.. That took years, him moving to England (separating us by over 5000 miles — check that, I mean just under 9000 kilometers), and the internet, to bring a connection between our blogs. What can I say? Cheers, mate!

As usual with these blogging awards, there is a convention to adhere to. This one has only 3 rules connected to it. Shorter and simple than most. Here goes:

I. Give credit to the awesome person who nominated you.

Check (see above).

II. Describe 7 things about yourself

What?!? Me? Talk about myself? Well I never.

  1. I love the smell of ground coffee; I just can’t drink it.
  2. I have one superstition. Just one: I hate splitting a pole when walking with a loved one (and you will hear me say, “Bread and butter“, if it happens).
  3. My daughter inherited her hot-blooded temper (along with her hard nails and sense of direction) from her dad (to my wife’s chagrin).
  4. When I was a cyclist (oh, so long ago), I was only a so-so climber. But, I made up for it by descending hills like a madman (or so was said by those riding with me).
  5. I’m right-handed, but left-eye dominant (its the eye I’ll use with a camera viewfinder or a telescope).
  6. I took up archery in college because of the film Deliverance (1972).
  7. I never wanted to go camping, ever, after watching that same movie.

III. Nominate 15 other bloggers

Okay. Here are those who I think are more than worthy to receive this award. Per my usual caveat, all the bloggers can play along, if they wish to. This is a purely voluntary venture. And who came up with that number anyways?

  1. John Kenneth Muir, Reflections on Cult Movies and Classic TV
  2. J.D.Radiator Heaven
  3. ColinRiding the High Country
  4. ElysePop Culture Nerd
  5. WillThe Paxton Configuration
  6. JamieFilmVerse
  7. MaxImpassionedCinema
  8. JenJen’s Book Thoughts
  9. RuthFlixChatter
  10. ScottFront Room Cinema
  11. IbaI Luv Cinema
  12. LesaLesa’s Book Critiques
  13. Marianne, Comedy of Errers
  14. JeffStuff Running Round My Head
  15. NaomiThe Drowning Machine

Again, many thanks.

24 Responses to “Lovely”

  1. The Focused Filmographer

    I, more than most I fear, can completely understand falling behind. Loved this little post. You must be a monster at playing baseball. Batting Righthanded, but able to keep your dominant eye on the pitcher/ball. Sweet! 🙂


  2. Mark Walker

    I hear you on falling behind Michael. I’m in the same boat my friend. It does get on top sometimes but I’m sure most bloggers understand this and don’t take it personally. I certainly hope they don’t anyway. Here’s to getting back in the game 🙂


  3. ruth

    What a lovely award, thanks so much for thinking of me. Hey, I like the smell of ground coffee too but I’m generally not a coffee drinker. Y’know I actually ‘cheated’ the other day and read the entire synopsis of Deliverance as I don’t think I have the guts to watch it. Cool that you took up archery since then, and yeah I won’t be camping either after watching that. Seriously!

    Thanks again Michael!


  4. Jen Forbus

    The award was appropriately bestowed on you and your blog! Thank you for being so generous with me. I never wanted to go camping, but it had nothing to do with Deliverance, I just hated camping. 🙂


  5. jackdeth72

    Hi, Michael:

    Congratulations on your “Major Award’!

    Hope it doesn’t arrive in a box marked ‘Fra-jee-lay”.

    “The great Outdoors…. Is where you park your car!”

    Never had a love of camping or living in a tent. Though I did send some time on different occasions with the Air Force living in a ‘Tent City’. Which is nowhere near the same thing.

    Right handed for pistols and rifles. Right eye dominant for both. Never got the hang or allure of Archery. Seemed like money tossed away with lost arrows.

    You and your daughter sound like you are both one bad laboratory accident away from being Super Villains. Good thing Mom’s got the Kryptonite!


    • le0pard13

      Ah, ‘A Christmas Story’ angle! I love it!

      But, if you never lose the arrows, you get to re-use them ;-). Of course, that non-dominant right-eye aiming didn’t exactly help me with that :-(.

      Thanks, Kevin.


  6. Christine McCann

    Well deserved, my friend!

    Sweet! more coffee for me. 😉

    With THE HUNGER GAMES, I’ve wondered if archery classes have become more popular. The thought to sign up for one certainly occurred to me.

    I’m right-hand left-eye dominate as well. Learned that from a Metro policeman on firing range outing with my Sisters in Crime group. (I think that was my 4-point edge over the husband when we took our tests. 😀 )


    • le0pard13

      Thank you very much, Christine! Yeah, I think archery took an upswing with THE HUNGER GAMES. I remember that Sisters in Crime fire range outing! Well done, Ms. Oakley. Well done.


  7. J.D.

    Thanks for the shout-out, my friend. You always run a classy blog and it is one of the few I always look forward to reading.



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