Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) – For John and My Son


Some days, it is still hard to believe I am a father. Let alone a dad to two children. Then, comes one like today that leaves me both proud and dumbstruck. My son, our first, turned 18. The same day John Lennon was born, in fact. When the ex-Beatle wrote the song, Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy), and released it on the 1980 album Double Fantasy, I couldn’t think it mattered. Yet, it has grown with me the only way this sentimental, poignant tune can, given the circumstances. I look upon it as I did with the small baby boy I once cradled in one arm. Blooms in a manner that breaks your heart as it swells in pride.

Happy Birthday, my son.

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

12 Responses to “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) – For John and My Son”

  1. Sam Juliano

    Absolutely wrenching tribute, made all the more poignant by Lennon’s untimely passing. I have five kids, ranging from 17 down to 11, three of them sons, and I could not have come up with a more moving tribute. My middle kid Danny is 14, and a huge Beatles fan. A belated Happy Birthday to your son! You are a great father.



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