Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Reblogged: Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal – The Oatmeal

mantis shrimp

Reblogged: Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal – The Oatmeal.

Full credit for turning me on to this wonderful, beautiful creature of the sea came byway of my duo post colleague, the Scientist Gone Wordy, Rachel. Not only is The Oatmeal piece instructive, but it had me and daughter laughing inanely and repeating direct quotes from the article.

And it starts off so innocently, too:

“The mantis shrimps lives in warm, shallow water, and typically grows to be between 6 – 12 inches (15 – 30 cm) in length.”

Typical Discovery Channel, NatGeo stuff, you think. Then, it got better:

“Where we see a rainbow, the mantis shrimp sees a Thermonuclear Bomb of light and beauty.”

So sweet…and colorful:

Then, the “murder sticks” come into play. No kidding, you gotta read this…and my daughter and I are getting T-shirts.

8 Responses to “Reblogged: Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal – The Oatmeal”

  1. Abbi

    Saw this a few days ago. it is amazing. When I grow up I want to be a mantis shrimp.


  2. The Sci-Fi Fanatic

    That Oatmeal site is absolutely hysterical but particularly the one you noted about the KILLER shrimp. Also there is one on Game Of Thrones that killed me.

    But Michael to bring it back to your site. I just want to note that you may be the single greatest champion of supporting other writers on the blogosphere. It’s very selfless of you and I commend you for your gracious support along with your own terrific work. It’s just one of your many terrific attributes my friend.



    • le0pard13

      I appreciate the kind words, my friend. Honestly, it’s easy to do because bloggers/writers like yourself produce so many great things I and others want and enjoy to read. The sharing seems the natural thing to do. The benefit/blessing for me is that it all comes back with others doing the same. It makes any effort so worth it.

      Many thanks, Gordon 🙂

      p.s., I’m going to look up that GoT, for sure.



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