Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Friends in the Spotlight

Over the weekend, I touched base with a friend I don’t see often enough, Paul Dinh-McCrillis. He’s done casting in a number of television shows that both my wife and I followed regularly through the years (Millennium and Nash Bridges), and way before we ever met the man. He’s a talented and gracious gentleman and yesterday we found out he directed cast and was involved with the following take-off commercial that captured perfectly the vibe of one of my favorite films from last year.

“After grooming Jean Dujardin for the Oscars and Golden Globes, Leonor Greyl introduced its own version of the Academy Award winning movie The Artist.”

Well done, my friend.

Correction: I’ve updated and corrected the post.

6 Responses to “Friends in the Spotlight”

  1. ruth

    Wow, that must be so cool working as a casting manager in Hollywood! I’ll check out the vid when I get home.



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