Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

TMT: “Ah, I got lucky with the lights.”

This is the next entry in a Theatre… a Movie… and a Time, a series that was begun here. In staying with the unexpected film theme I find myself in this week, I offer up another related post for a certain 2004 Michael Mann work.

“Did you join Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save the Whales, Greenpeace, or something? No. I off one fat Angeleno and you throw a hissy fit.”


AMC Rolling Hills 20



August 8, 2004: some years ago, my long-time friend and work colleague suggested we getaway after a round of golf to see a movie together, one our wives had no interest whatsoever in watching. We’ve routinely repeated this practice to this very day, at least once a summer. As stated, this implementation of a ‘guys gone golf & movie-going’ includes cinema fare our spouses, in unison, customarily respond to when invited:

“No, you go.”

Not surprisingly, these have included loud, explosion-filled summer blockbusters, R-rated comedies and horror film, or gun-toting thrillers of all sorts. What can I say but, “¿Quien es mas macho?”

Director Michael Mann’s return to the urban crime genre in the decade of the 00s with the stellar Collateral, itself another work of his laid out across the L.A. sprawl the two of us know only too well, turned out to be one of those films. For the sole reason that we played the links in the South Bay area of Los Angeles on that particular Sunday, we struck out to the nearby AMC Rolling Hills 20 cineplex. Turned out to be the first of only two times I ever visited this cineplex. It’s become a standard for the utilitarian stadium seat movie theaters in that part of town. More’s the pity.

However, the film was exactly to our Y-chromosome expectations. And each year since, we’ve only sought to find similar experiences. I think our wives coin it as “testosterone poisoning“. Go figure.

The entire TMT series can be found here. If you’re interested how it’s put together, click here.

12 Responses to “TMT: “Ah, I got lucky with the lights.””

  1. Arlee Bird

    Collateral is a great film. I think it’s one of Cruise’s best roles. I live in Pico Rivera and can see the El Rodeo nightclub from my house. I thought it was so cool they used this locale in the film and didn’t know about it until I was watching the film. I was surprised to say the least.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z


    • le0pard13

      Hey, Arlee. That’s great about ‘Collateral’ and the El Rodeo nightclub. I live near the site of the jazz club in Leimert Park. It’s been awhile, but I remember playing Pico Rivera’s nine-hole golf course, too. Thanks for reading and adding to this in your comment, my friend.


  2. Eric

    I have yet to see Collateral (though it looks great), but this sounds like a fun day. Golf + a movie is a great combo, for sure.


    • le0pard13

      Yep. That’s a lot of screens. We keep seeing these big multiplexes go up. Very vanilla in their presentation, though. Thanks, Scott.


  3. rtm

    Another great TMT post, Michael. Golf + a movie, sounds like a perfect afternoon for you, swap golf w/ shopping and that’ll be a perfect one for me, ahah.



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