Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Six That Keep Coming Back


A couple of years ago, I discovered a wonderful post titled Six Songs, by Moondancer on her blog, Just…..a wee bit. It was a sublime and eloquent piece speaking to the power of music upon memory and one’s emotions. Sadly, the post no longer appears online (or I cannot find it). Taoist wisdom always seems to rear its head: things change, but life goes on. Outside of the potent sense of smell, music/song has always been a memory trigger for me, as well. Other friends responded with their six-song lists back then, and I see the meme continues (in one form or another) to this day. The most recent variation I stumbled on would be here.

If you gave it some thought, what would your six songs be…

Even though she posed the question more than two years ago, I find the list of six that I’d put together back then is still in effect. I find it milestones significant events in my life with a connection that remains very clear. So, I’ll reprise it here:

It’s All in the Game (1958), my mother’s favorite song; and when I hear it now, even decades later, I cannot help but think of the wonderful woman who bore me…

A Hard Day’s Night (1964), my TMT post of a couple of days ago covered it best, I think.

It’s Too Late (1971), my junior year of high school and it was this song that marked a shift in my heart’s outlook (and toward the girl who was a H.S. senior at the time, who shall remain nameless, here — as my wife eventually reads all of my posts).

Dust in the Wind (1977), this song played on the radio as I left and drove home from St. Francis Medical Center in March ’78 after I learned my mother wouldn’t be with us for much longer… Though I wanted desperately to change or turn off the radio, somehow I couldn’t.

Silhouette (1988), the same year I courted my future bride, this song always seemed to pop up on the radio. The CD eventually found its way into our music collection before our engagement, and it was played at our wedding reception in February of ’89.

Don’t Fear the Reaper (1976), this song introduced the concept of the air guitar to my first-born when he was a barely a toddler some 20 years after it was released. I’d be a course of action (and song) I’d repeat with my daughter just fours years later, in fact. Those living room jam sessions right before bedtime, with the volume up, had the strangest (and most eye-rolling) of reactions for the new mother that was my bride.

I put this out for others to continue.

11 Responses to “Six That Keep Coming Back”

  1. Naomi Johnson

    I remember that post of Moondancer’s (as well as yours) but I can’t find it either.

    I love It’s All in the Game. Just a great, great song.


    • le0pard13

      I’m afraid she may have taken it down. Glad to find another fan of that heartfelt Tommy Edward’s song. Thanks, Naomi.


  2. Poncho

    Fantastic songs, if I may say so, cousin. I’d have to take some time to call out my “milestone” songs, since I can’t think of any particular right now.

    “A Hard Day’s Night” is one of both my parents’ favorites, and since both of them are Beatles’ fans it wouldn’t be tough to find one of those in my list.

    One song that would definitely be on the list is “Hoy hace un buen día” by Fernando Delgadillo. It’s a song that was introduced to me by some buds, and which summarizes quite well what it means for me their friendship.

    But I’d definitely have to give it a deeper thought. Count on a continuation soon…

    Thanks for this!


    • le0pard13

      Great to hear from you, Poncho. I YouTube’d “Hoy hace un buen día” and that is a beautiful song. It reminds of the great folk tunes from my youth. Can you point me to lyrics with a true translation? I look forward for your continuation, cousin! Thanks.


  3. rtm

    Nice idea! The only ones I’m familiar with are the Beatles and the Kenny G songs, I used to looove Kenny G’s stuff, the Dying One one is sooo heartbreaking. I guess I’m melancholy that way 🙂 Hmmm, you got me thinking about my own six songs now, Michael… I just might continue the meme soon.


    • le0pard13

      I hope you do get around to putting together a Six Songs post, Ruth. I think it be great to read what your milestone music memories are, my friend. Thank you for the read and comment.


  4. Novroz

    Love this idea for a post.

    My list would be (not all in form of a song):

    I don’t remember my first Beatles,but Beatles songs will always remind me of my father.

    Guns N Roses Illusion concert VCD (1992), watching that VCD had converted me into rock music lover.

    Finale by Larc~en~Ciel (2001), this songs has made me a true fan of Larc for the past 10 years. they have remained that long as my number one band.

    Hmm… I can only think of 3 😉


    • le0pard13

      Well, those three are great. And I bet if you thought about and decided to write up a post for such a post, you’d come up with more, Novroz. Thank you very much for your comment.


  5. Ronan

    It was lovely to read your reasons for your six songs Michael, nice insight into the man behind the le0pard13 🙂


      • Ronan

        I’m not sure I could manage it to be honest. If I think of some I’ll let you know what they are but I can’t think of any off the top of my head. I suspect mostly they would be from my Uni years.



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