Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

Awesome New Graphics for THE THING

The Fro Design Co folks have put out these awesome new poster graphics for one of my all-time favorite films: John Carpenter’s THE THING. The top one is rightly titled, First Week of Winter. The second, MacReady. ‘Nuff said.

The posters in question are the second and third from the top.

10 Responses to “Awesome New Graphics for THE THING”

  1. J.D.

    That’s weird, I was just watching THE THING last night. Those posters are very cool indeed. Thanks for the heads up on them.


  2. John D

    Very cool, especially the first one. I loved that movie. It was much closer to the original story than the 1950s version (which was still very entertaining).


    • le0pard13

      Yeah, they are somethin’! That first one is a grabber. Did you notice how the silhouetted camp and helicopter were incorporated into both graphics? Very cool. Thanks, John.



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