Still more lazy thoughts from this one…

A Bit of the Requiem in The Dramatist

Working a case is like living a life. You could be going along with your head down, pulling the plow as best you can, but then something happens and the world isn’t what you thought it was anymore. Suddenly, the way you see everything is different, as if the world has changed color, hiding things that were there before and revealing things you’d otherwise would not have seen.” ~ Robert Crais, L.A. Requiem

As I’ve begun my fourth Jack Taylor novel, I was captivated to find author Ken Bruen quoting from one of my all-time favorite novels. So, it doesn’t get any better than that. Luckily for me, Audible carries both unabridged audiobook versions available. Since narrator Gerry O’Brien has carried me through the first three, it’s hard to picture (or is it listen?) anyone else as Jack. The sample of Michael Deehy’s rendition is not bad, but compared to Gerry’s delivery it would have required a change that I wouldn’t have appreciated making.

7 Responses to “A Bit of the Requiem in The Dramatist”

  1. Christine McCann

    Don’t you love when one of your known, if not favorite, authors and/or their works are referenced in someone else’s novel. It’s like this little gem or gift because you know that not everyone will recognize it. It’s such a kick for me when I find such things.

    I haven’t read any of Ken Bruen’s novels as yet.


    • le0pard13

      Oh, yeah! But you know what the funny part was? The narrator, Gerry O’Brien, pronounced RC’s name as “Robert Crass“. Thanks, Christine.


  2. Elyse/Pop Culture Nerd

    Robert Crass? How crass of him!

    I haven’t read DRAMATIST yet; I’m bouncing around the Taylor novels. I look forward to your thoughts on it.

    Christine, you need to pick up some Bruens, stat!


    • le0pard13

      Yep, the Jack Taylor novels are somethin’, alright. And I agree, too, the works of Ken Bruen come highly recommended. Thanks, Elyse.


    • Christine McCann

      I know Brian has at least one of Bruen’s and I have a copy in my TBR of TOWER that he and Reed Farrel Coleman collaborated on. (Did either of you read that?)


      • le0pard13

        I’ve only been in the Jack Taylor series, but heard great things about TOWER. I’ll need to pick that one up. BTW, The Dramatist has a pretty devastating ending (as Naomi said it would).



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